Tuesday, December 28, 2010

New bag

Hey there beauty lovers!

I have been wanting to buy a bag like for so long because my current one is getting battered by everyday use.

However, whenever I went out in search of the one bag that I could call my own (I am not really a bag person), I either don't like the colour, pattern or shape of the potential bags that I surveyed, or I end up buying something that I did not intend to in the first place.

So, when I spotted the beauty (read: my current bag) hanging at a vendor's display hook at the Air Panas wet market when I went shopping for my greens, I bought it straightaway.

I love the pink satin bow that is perched on it and I also love its deep purple hue. (So diva I hear you say? You are wrong. Its so ME!)

So girls, I am leaving you with a snapshot of my latest companion. Check it out and bring in the comments yo!

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